Random websites and finds from over the years…
- What If XKCD? : a compendium of "what could possibly go wrong?" scenarios, involving life & physics.
- Homestar Runner: this was big in the 2000s, but has made somewhat of a resurgence.
- Sam Sutherland: a Canadian vlogger's attempt to deep-dive into the weirder parts of pop culture.
- Damn Interesting: short stories & audio bits on the odder moments of history.
- Floppotron: a Polish techie's "abuse" of old 3.5" floppy drives and HDDs for musical use.
- Kurzgesagt: "Optimistic Nihilism"
- Squirrel Monkey: what if your favorite online service or game existed in the 80s and 90s?
- The Political Compass: an ongoing assessment of political trends in Western Democracies.
- earth: "a visualization of global weather conditions forecast by supercomputers".
- Kingdom of Loathing: satirical RPG & community dating back to the early 2000s.
- Wikimedia: Wikipedia has a bunch of sister-projects, including media collections, old documents, and databases.
- My scientist friend's website: he's got 20+ years of projects and publications on there involving particle physics, games, and miscellany.